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About Us

Principal: Darnell Montgomery
6th through 8th Grade
2900 N 6th St
Harrisburg, PA 17110

Main Office: 717-703-4200
Fax: 717-703-4225

School Hours: 8:30AM - 3:30PM

Middle School Students Cartoon
Darnell Montgomery

Dear Families: 

Greetings from the Principal’s desk. I am Darnell Montgomery, and I will be the new principal  of Camp Curtin Academy this coming school year. We have been working hard this summer to  prepare to welcome all our scholars back for the upcoming school year. The time has arrived to  start preparing for what is going to be a very productive 2023/2024 school year! The Camp  

Curtin campus will continue to be the location of the Central Administration Registration Office,  ESOL Departments, and the Department of Early Childhood education. The Special Education  offices will now be located at Foose School.  

The school dress code has been updated. An attachment with descriptions of what is appropriate  for school is included. Cell phones have become a distraction to teaching and learning over the  past few years. The use of cell phones during the instructional day has also at times created  issues of safety in the building. In order to address this distraction, the district cell phone policy  will be enforced starting the first day of school. All teachers will have lockable space to store  student cell phones during the school day. Phones will be returned at the end of the day.  

As the summer winds down and you continue to prepare your scholars for the upcoming school  year, the Principals, Teachers, and Support Staff at Camp Curtin Academy have all been working  hard to prepare for your children this school year. We are looking forward to an exciting and  productive school year! We would also like to invite you and your scholar to the building on  August 24, 2023, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm for our Back to School Night.  

Lastly, the first day of school is August 29, 2023. The door will open at 7:50 a.m. - 8:10 a.m. for  breakfast. Breakfast will be served from 7:50 - 8:20 daily. The doors will open at 8:20 am. for  scholars to begin to report to their homeroom. Daily attendance is important to our scholars'  overall success. Please make every effort to have your scholar on time and prepared for learning  daily.  

Enclosed you will find: the updated dress code policy, cell phone policy, and your scholar’s  schedule. 


Darnell L. Montgomery 

Darnell L. Montgomery, Principal

Upcoming Events

February 2025
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Sunday, January 26
Monday, January 27
Tuesday, January 28
Wednesday, January 29
Thursday, January 30
Friday, January 31
Saturday, February 1
Sunday, February 2
Monday, February 3
Tuesday, February 4
Wednesday, February 5
Thursday, February 6
Friday, February 7
Saturday, February 8
Sunday, February 9
Monday, February 10
Tuesday, February 11
Wednesday, February 12
Thursday, February 13
Friday, February 14
Saturday, February 15
Sunday, February 16
Monday, February 17
Tuesday, February 18
Wednesday, February 19
Thursday, February 20
Friday, February 21
Saturday, February 22
Sunday, February 23
Monday, February 24
Tuesday, February 25
Wednesday, February 26
Thursday, February 27
Friday, February 28
Saturday, March 1
1010 N 7th St Harrisburg, PA 17102

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